Friday, 23 April 2010

An ass kicking!

Routine, Routine, Routine the safety, the joy. The same ole boring thing day after day after day. Get up, get breakfast (if you eat breakfast, and you should you cheeky devils) go to work, come home, get dinner, watch TV, chill, sleep. You talk to the same people, you eat the same things, watch the same programmes, drive the same route. A cosy path. All the time thinking the same things. Why? Where is it taking you? Super stardom? A million pound yacht? A harem of voluptuous beauties, Early retirement so you can do as you please? I don't think so (sorry to burst your bubble). Then there are the folk who go to the gym, they train the same body parts, use the same machines, look in the same mirror and think "well I'm here, I'm doing it". Then they can look at themselves in a clingy outfit and sigh, and think. . . . . . Yeah! I workout, so I look good. Really Good! Ba ba baaaaaaaa, there is a sting in the tail of routine. Because doing the same old thing leads to dammed reversibility. Your body adapts to a point where it fools you into doing less than you think(trust me, I'm an expert on making people think I'm actually working). Have you ever wondered when you see that slightly weirdly mishapen aerobics instructor who does 45 classes a week and eats a salad leaf a day, why is she like not a super skinny super fit looking burd instead of having legs that giggle live your favourite jelly? If you think your still pushing yourself then be honest. . . Is this you? "Whenever your in a spin class, on a treadmill out running etc : there you are smiling, thinking god, I'm good, this is easy, I'm a blinking Olympic athlete, why didn't anyone ever tell me? I am 20x better than all they chumps, look at how they are sweating, out of breath nincompoops, HA" Meanwhile your thighs are plotting to each other "Ha ha, she doesn't even know we aren't working hard at all, don't tell her, let her find out the next time she tries to fit into those skinny jeans" Yeah and I'm not joking Bucko! So work hard, we need to. If we don't, we are wasting our time. Why do people not challenge themselves? Why? Because it's too hard, that's why. Let's all say it together in a whiny voice! "It's too hard". Now stop. . . I don't want to ever hear you say that again!


  1. Calm your jets soldier, if you are talking about the chick in the picture, i'm afraid I can't help you out there.

  2. nows that was rude n who ever in that picture u ju st dnt have any respect 4 yur self
