Monday, 12 April 2010

Gyms = Fake People

Gyms. . . . full of fake people, especially staff, in particular I know of a certain ditzy female who is possibly the most fake of all. Walk in the door and you can hear her talking of her royally fake self before you see her, then you hear an almighty "Hi!!!!! How are you?" But she takes no time to wait on an answer, instead she says "What did you do at the weekend?" Again doesn't wait on a reply, she pips in "I went out with my friends, party party and got so plastered but it was great and we all spewed in a bin, but you know I had. . . . . . " Bla de bla bla, I would rather drop a slab on my big toe than listen to this crap, I can spot a "faker" a mile off. Fake people do whatever they can to make themselves look good, they will take credit for others work or humiliate people by gossiping so to illuminate thier status, wear far too much make up, drops friends when they are no longer of use (yes I have been victim of fake friend syndrome) sometimes they are truelly interesting people but are so full of insecurities they make this whole fake persona so to be the center of attention. It's a science and this particular lady has it all figured out. This particular girl has a facebook page, i've not added her as a friend and don't plan on it, but it gets you thinking. Tune in tomorrow for the next installment, gym polictics.


  1. unpredictablebaby24 June 2011 at 02:18

    i cant stand fake people, they make me so mad!

  2. unpredictablebaby24 June 2011 at 02:23

    That was rude and nasty what you said whoever that was!!!!!!!!

  3. its just some nasty ol people we have in this world. people think so negative

  4. mmman itch cani have thos
    nn damm yu fake ass hell

  5. what size?????????????????????????
