Thursday 6 May 2010

Too tired to live

So are you tired? Don't you just love it when folk say that they're tired? I hate it. I hate when you ask people how they are and they tell you they are OK but tired, exhausted , too busy to sleep. I mean fair enough if you have a medical condition but seriously. . . . Take some time for yourself. Surely by now you know how to "work" your body? Surely you don't need instructions? Step one. Put food in this hole, Step two. Inhale, Step three. Go to sleep. Step four food comes out this. . . . You have to feed it, wash it, put it to sleep. Hunger thirst and of course tiredness is your bodies alarms telling you what to do. So if your tired. . . . Get some sleep, don't work so hard, feed your body correctly (not a takeaway). I know it's easier said than done. My Nana is constantly telling me to "slow down" to "relax" but I do. . . . When I sleep. Otherwise my exercise is my "me" time (I have been seen walking Mia and Juno with my Ipod in, singing at the top of my voice, oblivious to my mum tooting her horn at me or Linda peeing herself laughing whilst I jig along the street) and because I feed my body correctly and train it to be able to cope then I can and I will keep going. Guys. It's not OK to be tired all the time, no matter how hard your work is. Everyone has the odd tired spell. But all the time is a no no! If you work all the time, exercise, look after a baby a dog and your partner then why worry in the middle of the night that the windows are dirty, the grass needs cut or what your are making for the dinner. Sleep is paramount. Shut off all that electrical crap in your room, it's zapping your life and interrupting your sleep, don't read in bed or watch TV in bed, make sure your bedroom is completely void of light when the blinds are shut, The bedroom should only be used for 2 things Sleeping and er . . . . . . . . Resting. What did you think I was going to say? Tut Tut. So what if you turn down a night out, what exactly are you missing anyways? Feeling like a burst couch the next day, with a headache that could kill a donkey. The anxiety that fills you when you can't remember what you did (is that just me). It might sound boring but trust me. . . It wont be by morning.

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